The phone does not recognize the SIM... here is how to do it!


My smartphone does non recognize the SIM... hither is how to gear upwardly it! Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 telephone that does non recognize the SIM bill of fare (or "chip" every bit it is commonly known) is a mutual too rather annoying problem. There are several possible causes for this, too some "detective work" is needed to create upwardly one's heed the exact culprit.

Fortunately, nearly cases receive got a uncomplicated solution. So if your smartphone does non recognize the SIM card, y'all may give away the solution below.

The telephone does non recognize the SIM ... hither is how to produce it!

Do y'all role an adapter? Try to alter it

Adapters are quite mutual amidst smartphone users. They allow y'all to role a SIM bill of fare format (such every bit a Nano-SIM) on a smartphone that requires some other format (such every bit a micro-SIM or a "normal" SIM). 

So common, inward fact, that if y'all croak today to a telephone operator too purchase a SIM card, y'all volition likely larn a "triple-cut" bill of fare amongst a Nano-SIM surrounded yesteryear ii plastic frames, the adapters are suitable for smartphones that role other formats.

Since they are merely sparse plastic pieces, the adapters tin wearable out or croak deformed over time, causing the board to croak misaligned amongst the internal contacts of the device, which volition non live able to recognize it.

The solution is simple: supercede the adapter. This is quite common. But if it doesn't locomote ... hold reading.

If the telephone does non recognize the SIM, sweat cleaning the contacts on the card

Dirt on the card's gilt contacts tin besides drive problems. A uncomplicated solution for this is to accept a difficult white schoolhouse mucilage too rub it gently on the contacts until they are shiny again. This should live sufficient to take whatever accumulated oxidation. 

An option is to role a cotton fiber ball soaked inward a drib of isopropyl alcohol instead of 99% or to a greater extent than instead of rubber. Once again, gently rub the cotton fiber swab over the contacts too expression for the alcohol to evaporate completely earlier reinserting the bill of fare into the smartphone.

Warning: inward this physical care for never role alcohol for alcohol or "domestic" alcohol. These products comprise large amounts of H2O (30 to 54%!), which tin drive to a greater extent than oxidation too aggravate the problem. And never apply alcohol straight to your smartphone. 

Has it non all the same worked? So ... let's proceed!

Test your SIM on some other phone

It's easy: take the bill of fare from your smartphone too insert it into some other device, it's the nearly of import advice to hear to. If the SIM is non recognized, it is defective. In this case, croak to your operator's shop too inquire to supercede it. This unremarkably costs unopen to € 10, y'all don't receive got to expression to a greater extent than than a few minutes.

If the bill of fare works on some other device, the defect could live on your smartphone. In this representative ... croak ahead.

If the telephone does non recognize the SIM, sweat some other SIM on your smartphone

Put a SIM that y'all know works on some other device on your smartphone. It should live recognized. Otherwise, it is real probable that the defect is inward your device: the contacts betwixt the bill of fare too the telephone pins could live deformed, compromising the connection. In this case, the best affair to produce is telephone telephone the manufacturer's technical support.

Some propose placing a slice of newspaper or sparse cardboard behind the bill of fare earlier inserting it into the device. The stance is to brand the bill of fare to a greater extent than "thick" too strength it against the contacts. Never produce it!

If your smartphone has a "drawer" slot, y'all risk jamming the bill of fare (with newspaper too more) inward the slot too causing fifty-fifty to a greater extent than damage. And if the device uses a slot "lock" or "swing" y'all could halt upwardly forcing the mechanism, too hence y'all volition non live able to role it.

If you've lately updated your device, sweat this

It is non common, but it happened to me: if your smartphone has stopped recognizing the bill of fare exactly later on a arrangement update, something could receive got gone incorrect during the physical care for too drive the problem. In this case, inward add-on to the previous suggestions, sweat performing a manufacturing works life reset.

The stance is to take whatever configuration or parameter residuum from a previous version of the arrangement that is harmful to its operation. In this process, all the information from your device volition live deleted too volition acquit every bit if they had just come upwardly out of the box amongst all the settings restored to their default values. The departure is that it volition proceed to run the novel version of the operating system.

To restore, croak to Configure/Backup too Restore/Restore original. Click on Reset phone too expression for the physical care for to complete. But first, dorsum upwardly all of import information too applications on your device every bit they volition live deleted.

Here is a picayune help:

If all this has non worked, too so y'all receive got to accept it to a service center. Prepare your smartphone, accept the neb too a dose of patience. I promise your device works soon.

Have y'all e'er had a similar problem? What did y'all produce to solve? Share your sense inward the comments below.

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