Wetransfer: how to send and receive files


Truth locomote told, how many times did you lot non know how to transportation a file to a friend or colleague because the attachment was also heavy? It happened to me oftentimes inward the past times earlier knowing Wetransfer. What is Wetransfer? It is a service that offers the possibility to transportation fifty-fifty large files amongst extreme ease together with speed. All you lot require is an e-mail from the someone to whom you lot desire to transportation the file, your file together with an meshwork connection, Wetransfer volition direct maintain attention of the rest. So if you lot honour yourself inward a province of affairs similar this together with require to figure out how to practice it, I advise you lot buy the farm comfortable together with direct maintain a few minutes to read this guide. At the destination of reading, sending large files volition no longer locomote a problem.

Please annotation that inward social club to use Wetransfer to transportation files, you lot require to know the recipient's e-mail address. Once the file is uploaded amongst WeTransfer, the recipient's e-mail is inserted together with an optional text message is entered, the file volition locomote uploaded to the Wetransfer servers. The file volition together with thus locomote available for download from the server for vii days.

Now let's encounter inward exceptional how Wetransfer works. Ready? Let's start.

How to transportation files amongst Wetransfer

To transportation a heavy file to a friend, you lot must starting fourth dimension connect to wetransfer.com together with click on "Take me to the gratis version". In fact Wetransfer also has a paid service that allows you lot to transportation files over 2gb, but we'll speak almost this later.

The user interface is actually reduced to the essentials, this is ane of Wetransfer's strengths, which makes it a really tardily to run service. The page is almost all background, on the left instead you lot honour the small-scale degree to fill upward inward to run the service.

Now that you're inward the Wetransfer Free area, you'll direct maintain a small-scale degree to fill upward out on your left. To begin click on the bluish push amongst the + together with the give-and-take "Add a file", select the file you lot desire to transportation together with confirm past times pressing Open. As an alternative to this, you lot tin dismiss also drag the file direct into the Wetransfer window. Remember that if you lot are using Wetransfer Free the file you lot select, or the laid upward of files, cannot locomote heavier than 2gb. Alternatively if you lot direct maintain to transportation to a greater extent than than ane file together with the full size exceeds 2GB you lot tin dismiss brand multiple classify submissions. On the contrary, if you lot direct maintain alone ane file larger than 2GB you lot require to run the Wetransfer Plus service.

Without this similar a shot you lot but direct maintain to locomote inward the recipient's email, your e-mail together with optionally a message to locomote delivered to the recipient along amongst the file. Now press the Transfer push together with await for the file to load.

Once the upload is finished, an e-mail notification volition buy the farm inward to you, but also to the recipient who volition inform him that you lot direct maintain sent him a file together with volition furnish him amongst a link from which to download it. In fact Wetransfer uses its storage infinite to charge your file together with and thus the possibility of beingness able to direct maintain it from at that topographic point for vii days. Furthermore, when the recipient downloads the file sent, you lot volition locomote informed thus you lot volition know non alone that the file was sent correctly, but also that the recipient saw it together with downloaded it.

How to have files

If you lot have an e-mail notification from Wetransfer informing you lot that someone sent you lot a file, here's how to download it. Open your e-mail that volition look to a greater extent than or less every bit you lot encounter inward the photo. Press the "Download file" button, this volition direct maintain you lot to the Wetransfer website together with opened upward a small-scale summary degree inward which you lot volition locomote informed almost who sent you lot the file, the file name, size together with other info.

Once the page is loaded you lot tin dismiss press the "Download" push together with a dialogue window volition open. In this window you lot tin dismiss pick out where to relieve the file together with what yell to give it. Once you lot direct maintain made these choices, press the Save push together with await for the file to download. At the destination of the download you lot volition locomote notified that the download is finished together with you lot tin dismiss run the file every bit you lot wish.

Once the file has been downloaded, the sender volition locomote informed of your download thus you lot tin dismiss locomote certain that you lot direct maintain non alone been informed of the submission, but that you lot direct maintain viewed it together with downloaded it.

Wetransfer Plus

The basic run of Wetransfer is completely free. However, it has limitations, although inward most situations they are largely negligible. In fact, every bit mentioned before, the boundary for Wetransfer Free is 2gb maximum at sending.

Wetransfer Plus on the other paw allows sending upward to 20GB at a time, it also offers the possibility of storing files on their server upward to 100GB together with the mightiness to protect sent files amongst a password. In add-on to this Wtransfer Plus gives the possibility to personalize your profile, the emails sent together with fifty-fifty the links, for an easier sharing of the same.

WeTransfer Plus offers monthly or annual subscription service. The costs are 12 euros / calendar month amongst periodic billing or 120 euros / year, if you lot pick out to pay inward a unmarried payment.

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