How to change the default name (SSID) of a wireless modem?


Improve the safety of your habitation network yesteryear changing the SSID. Wireless broadband modems together with wireless access points flora a wireless network using a advert called Service Set Identifier (SSID). These devices are configured amongst a manufacturing flora default SSID network name. Generally, all the modems of a manufacturer are assigned the same SSID.

If yous are wondering if yous should modify the advert of your modem, the answer is simple. Yes, yous should. Typical default SSIDs are uncomplicated words like:

  • Wireless

  • Netgear

  • Linksys

  • Default

There is a expert run a jeopardy that yous convey neighbors amongst the same type of modem together with that they role the same default SSID. It could live on the recipe for a disaster amongst regard to security, peculiarly if neither uses encryption. Check the modem's SSID and, if it is i of these defaults, modify the network advert to something that exclusively yous know.

How to respect a wireless modem's SSID

To respect the modem's electrical current SSID, come inward its IP address to access the administrator's configuration pages via a computer. Most modem manufacturers role a default address such every bit For example, if yous convey a Linksys WRT54GS modem:

  • Enter (or around other modem address if its default has been changed) inward a browser.

  • Most Linksys modems role the username admin together with require no password, then travel out the password champaign blank.

  • Select the Wireless carte du jour option.

  • Displays the electrical current SSID advert inward the Wireless Network Name (SSID) field.

Other modem manufacturers follow a similar path for SSID. Check the modem manufacturer's website or the documentation for specific default login credentials. The IP address tin post away likewise live on written at the bottom of the modem, precisely the username together with password, if any, is yet required.

Decide whether to modify your SSID

An SSID tin post away live on changed at whatever fourth dimension via the modem configuration screen. Changing later establishing a wireless network causes all wireless devices to disconnect together with reconnect to the network using the novel name. Otherwise, the alternative of the advert does non impact the functioning of a Wi-Fi network at all.

If 2 networks amongst the same advert are installed side yesteryear side to each other, the users together with customer devices may become confused together with assay to bring together the incorrect one. If both networks are opened upwards (not using WPA or other security), clients tin post away silently travel out the right network together with bring together the other. Even amongst Wi-Fi safety enabled, users respect duplicate names annoying.

Experts beak over whether the role of a manufacturer's default SSID represents a safety jeopardy to the habitation network. On the i hand, the advert does non impact a hacker's mightiness to respect together with penetrate the network. On the other hand, given the multiple networks inward a neighborhood to pick out from, attackers tin post away target those amongst predefined names on the likelihood that those families had piffling attention inward configuring their habitation networks.

Choose expert wireless network names

To ameliorate the safety or usability of your habitation wireless network, reckon changing the modem's SSID to a dissimilar advert than the default. An SSID is case-sensitive together with tin post away contain upwards to 32 alphanumeric characters. Follow these guidelines based on recommended network safety practices:

  • Do non comprise your name, address, appointment of nativity or other personal information every bit business office of the SSID.

  • Do non role whatever of the passwords on your Windows or Internet website.

  • Do non endeavor potential intruders using attractive network names such every bit MakeMyDay or Top-Secret.

  • Choose an SSID that contains both letters together with numbers.

  • Choose a long advert or virtually every bit long every bit the maximum length allowed.

  • Consider changing your SSID periodically at to the lowest degree i time every few months.

  • Write downward the novel SSID advert somewhere yous tin post away respect it, mayhap at the bottom of the modem.

After choosing a novel network name, making the modify is simple. In the champaign side yesteryear side to Wireless Network Name (SSID) for a Linksys modem or inward a similar champaign for around other manufacturer. The modify is non activated until it is saved or confirmed. No involve to restart the modem.

You tin post away respect practical information on the modem manufacturer's website or inward an online step-by-step remove to modify the SSID on a Linksys modem.

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