Galaxy A80 does not turn on - How to solve


The Samsung Milky Way A80, also known every bit Samsung Milky Way A90, is i of the best mid-range phones you lot tin buy. It industrial plant amongst the latest version of Android as well as has powerful hardware specifications. If your Milky Way A80 doesn't plough on as well as you lot don't know why, uncovering out how to solve it yesteryear next our suggestions below.

How to solve Milky Way A80 does non plough on

Troubleshooting a Milky Way A80 that doesn't plough on requires a serial of steps to take. Here are the things you lot tin create to solve the problem.

Charge your Milky Way A80

One of the mutual reasons for this work has to create amongst recharging. Some Android users may non realize that you lot take to accuse your device earlier turning it dorsum on. Be certain to accuse your Milky Way A80 for at to the lowest degree thirty minutes earlier trying to plough it dorsum on. 

This should hold upward plenty to recharge the battery. When charging, hold upward certain non to switch the band dorsum on to permit charging without interruption.

Galaxy A80 how to perform software recovery

All Samsung devices amongst ability problems tin create goodness from a reboot. Even inward this extreme case, you lot cannot skip this elementary solution. Here's what you lot take to do: agree downwards the Volume downwards push clitoris as well as the ability push clitoris at the same fourth dimension for x seconds or until the device covert turns on.

If that doesn't alter anything, you lot tin as well as therefore endeavor these steps:

  1. Press as well as agree the Volume Down push clitoris starting fourth dimension as well as create non publish it.

  2. Press as well as agree the ability button.

  3. Hold downwards both keys for at to the lowest degree x seconds.

Galaxy A80 confirm that the charging accessories work

There may hold upward a work amongst the electrical current charging gear upward as well as adapter. The USB cable supplied amongst Samsung devices is composed of minor wires inside. If these wires receive got broken, recharging may non occur every bit in that location is non plenty liberate energy to hold upward transferred to the battery. 

To cheque if this is the case, accuse the band using a novel gear upward of cable as well as adapter. If you lot reckon whatever obvious signs of physical harm to the cable or USB adapter, consider getting a novel one.

Make certain you lot utilisation official Samsung accessories for this troubleshooting. Sometimes, third-party accessories may hold upward of inferior character or neglect to encounter the minimum requirements gear upward yesteryear Samsung. This tin Pb to irregular charging. 

If you lot can't larn a novel cable as well as a novel adapter promptly, become to an electronics shop as well as endeavor charging your device using their accessories. If your Milky Way A80 recharges properly, consider buying novel accessories.

Galaxy A80 controls the charging port

Another mutual argue why a Milky Way device does non plough on is the lack of ability as well as it is because in that location is something inward the charging port that prevents it from beingness recharged. This tin sometimes tumble out if i of the next weather condition occurs:

  • There is dirt or unusual objects blocking the cable

  • There is harm inward the charging port system

  • The charging port is wet

Try checking the charging port using a magnifying tool, if possible. If you lot reckon that in that location is dirt, lint or unusual objects inside, this is likely why the battery is low. Once the battery is discharged, the device no longer charges commonly because something prevents it or in that location could hold upward harm to the charging port. 

If you lot cry back in that location is dirt within the door, utilisation a tin of compressed air to take away dirt or lint. Avoid using something difficult or abrupt within to avoid damaging the system.

Although the Milky Way A80 does non receive got H2O protection similar Samsung's flagship phones, its charging port is relatively good protected from a minor amount of moisture. If in that location is H2O or liquid inward the door, the band volition non permit charging to avoid damaging the system.

Galaxy A80 checks for problems amongst the screen

If your Milky Way A80 doesn't plough on yet, the side yesteryear side troubleshooting footstep is to uncovering out if you lot receive got a work amongst the screen. Many Android users usually confuse a broken covert work amongst a ability problem. 

This oft happens afterwards dropping a device that is damaged on the screen. If the band withal emits a sound, it vibrates or shows LED lights although the covert remains black, it is a hardware malfunction of the covert only. 

Try to forcefulness the band to restart to reckon if this helps. If nada changes, receive got the covert replaced yesteryear Samsung.

We would similar to cry back that the movement of your work is software. We don't know precisely what happened to your band earlier this work occurred, but if it coincided afterwards installing an app, it is possible that you lot receive got a work amongst the app at hand.

To verify, restart your band inward condom fashion as well as lookout how it loads. In condom mode, it is non possible to run third-party apps or services. Therefore, if i of the third-party apps is responsible for the problem, the A80 should charge commonly inward condom mode.

To start the device inward condom mode:

  1. With the A80 turned off, agree downwards the ability push clitoris beyond the model cite screen.

  2. When "SAMSUNG" appears on the screen, publish the ability button.

  3. Immediately afterwards releasing the ability button, press as well as agree the Volume downwards button.

  4. Continue to agree the Volume downwards fundamental until the device restarts.

  5. The condom fashion volition hold upward displayed inward the lower-left corner of the screen.

  6. Release the Volume downwards fundamental when you lot reckon the condom mode.

If your Milky Way A80 turns on correctly inward condom mode, it agency that a third-party app prevents it from turning dorsum on. To position which of your apps is causing the problem, follow these steps:

  1. Start inward condom mode.

  2. Check the problem.

  3. After confirming that it is the fault of a third-party app, you lot tin start uninstalling the apps individually. We advise you lot to start amongst the most recent ones you've added.

  4. After uninstalling an app, restart the band inward normal fashion as well as verify the problem.

  5. If the A80 withal refuses to plough dorsum on, repeat steps 1-4.

Galaxy A80 kicking into recovery fashion or download mode

Another possible argue why the A80 won't plough on could receive got something to create amongst the Android operating system. Although rare, system-level updates or changes tin sometimes movement serious coding problems that could foreclose Android from starting properly. 

This tin occur inward the upshot of a failure to reboot, a lock on the Samsung logo screen, or a failure to reboot afterwards it has been turned off. If the movement of the work is an mistake of the Android operating system, you lot should withal hold upward able to restart the device inward other software environments such every bit recovery fashion or download mode. 

These startup modes are independent of Android as well as are used yesteryear Samsung technicians to diagnose software problems. To cheque if you lot receive got a work amongst Android, consider starting your device. 

If the band starts inward recovery mode, you lot may hold upward able to resolve the work yesteryear clearing the cache segmentation or performing a manufactory reset. In Download mode, the entirely affair you lot tin create is reflash the software.

If you lot receive got never heard of the term install earlier or if you lot are non certain to create it yourself, you lot should inquire a Samsung technician for help.

Here are ways to start recovery fashion or download mode:

How to start a Milky Way A80 inward recovery mode

  1. Turn off the device. This is important. If you lot can't plough it off, you lot volition never hold upward able to start recovery mode. If you lot cannot plough off the device regularly using the ability button, await until the band battery is discharged. Then accuse the band for thirty minutes earlier starting recovery mode.

  2. Press as well as agree the Volume upward fundamental as well as the Bixby key, as well as therefore press as well as agree the ability key.

  3. When the light-green Android logo appears, publish all the buttons ("System update installation" volition hold upward displayed for virtually thirty - threescore seconds earlier displaying the Android organization recovery card options).

How to start a Milky Way A80 inward download mode

  1. Turn off the device. This is important. If you lot can't plough it off, you lot volition never hold upward able to start recovery mode. If you lot cannot plough off the device regularly using the ability button, await until the band battery is discharged. Then accuse the band for thirty minutes earlier starting recovery mode.

  2. Press as well as agree the Volume downwards fundamental as well as the Bixby key, as well as therefore press as well as agree the ability key.

  3. You volition know if you lot are inward download fashion when you lot reckon a covert that says "Download ...".

  4. Remember, if the covert industrial plant inward i of these modes, this is a clear sign that you lot receive got a work amongst the Android operating system. Be certain to reset the device to manufactory settings inward recovery fashion to resolve it.

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