The 10 best apps for vintage clothing enthusiasts


The vintage is a 2017 fashion tendency that has taken concur inwards Italy, appreciated yesteryear women of all ages actually spans the ages. Mania has invested non precisely inwards the clothing sector but besides inwards objects together with furnishings.

The vintage is a term that tin last attributed to used clothing, but that necessarily meets for certain requirements or must get got at to the lowest degree xx years of life, inwards add-on to having to last designer together with inwards first-class condition.

But finding the vintage garment that suits us is non e'er together with then simple, from shoes to bags, or clothing, which is why several smartphone apps dedicated to the vintage basis were born.

All apps on vintage clothing

There are many applications designed for smartphones that permit y'all to sell or purchase vintage clothing, or objects rather rare to notice inwards the diverse vintage shops inwards your city.

This app arrangement allows y'all to accept inspiration, but besides to purchase online, or rail downwards an otherwise unobtainable vintage item of clothing.


The app designed yesteryear Alessia Marcuzzi together with closely linked to Lapinella City offers vintage enthusiasts the gamble to persuasion all the garments of the physical store located inwards Rome Sophintage.

The best character garments, absolutely branded together with inwards first-class status but sold at really depression prices.

Shopintage is the brainchild of Sophie Talarico, passionate well-nigh French together with Anglo-Saxon vintage who created a fashionable vintage store inwards Italy.


The app that has spread similar wildfire inwards the Italian territory but good known inwards most of Europe.

Depop offers the chance to anyone to last able to purchase vintage items from stars of the caliber of Chiara Ferragni or Alessia Marcuzzi, who sell their ain used together with specially discounted habiliment through the app.

On the Depop app, y'all tin notice vintage items used inwards first-class condition, both inwards replicas together with originals, a uncomplicated application to piece of job together with fast purchase, through payment with Paypal.


A smartphone app that is specially appreciated yesteryear showbiz characters, including international ones, is Vestiaire Collective, a platform through which it is possible to sell or purchase luxury items to later on donate the proceeds to charity.

This specific smartphone application sells alone luxury items, ideal for those who dearest vintage but higher upwardly all designer clothes at grapple prices.

Secret closet

The application is ideal for viewing a collection of vintage items that belonged to the most pop celebrities, it is frequently possible to notice designer appliqués at competitive prices on the app together with then that anyone could afford the luxury of owning a fantastic vintage Chanel bag.

Secret Closet does non alone sell used habiliment or accessories, equally y'all tin besides notice to a greater extent than or less absolutely novel habiliment items.

In addition, the diverse vendors that participate inwards the app tin last easily found, equally the platform divides the dissimilar stores yesteryear city, together with inwards this way, it volition last possible to select to purchase precisely from sellers nearby.


Particularly varied site, accompanied yesteryear the smartphone application dedicated to it, offers a specially well-stocked vintage section.

The Yoox site has a broad selection of vintage garments, together with accessories related to the 50s, 60s, together with 70s with the chance to notice vintage clothes inwards first-class condition, at prices, equally good equally to accept wages of advantageous promotional offers, especially inwards dissimilar sales periods.


It may seem foreign but fifty-fifty the most pop social media has conk a commercial portal over the years. Just produce to a greater extent than or less uncomplicated query related to the vintage basis to notice vintage clothing together with to last spoiled for choice.

The dissimilar hashtags similar #sale, #invendita, #onsale, #vintage could last useful, to last able to select alongside the dissimilar vintage garments.


A German linguistic communication application that overtime is besides conquering Italy. Shpock inwards many respects is quite similar to Depop, with its photographic layout, but it is really similar to Instagram.

The app allows y'all to persuasion together with purchase the most sought-after vintage items yesteryear fans of the sector.


Etsy is a smartphone application that nonetheless continues to win many online sales enthusiasts. On Etsy y'all tin purchase together with sell everything, really useful to notice artisans who sell their handmade creations.

And Etsy has besides conk a perfect showcase for used clothing, vintage, equally good equally handmade products.


Vintag is a costless app that industrial plant absolutely the same agency equally Depop, but with the master copy departure that inwards this circumstance Vintag mainly deals with the exclusive sale of vintage items together with clothes.

On vintag it is possible to notice actually nifty vintage deals, equally good equally specially of import items such equally gramophones or 30s marriage dresses, but besides the most modern models of designer clothes such equally Versace, Moschino or Cavalli, but at decidedly advantageous prices.

Rent the Runway

In add-on to selling or buying vintage items, enthusiasts besides appreciate the diverse shops that permit y'all to rent vintage designer clothes at significantly reduced prices.

A improve agency to endeavor to last to a greater extent than sustainable, ideal if y'all necessitate to alter looks together with last inwards the latest fashion. On Rent the Runway it is possible to rent lots of high fashion items at prices from pret to porter.

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